I had the honor of presenting one of the keynotes at yesterday's SIG USE annual research symposium (part of the 2008 ASIS&T annual meeting in Columbus). The theme was "Future Directions: Information Behavior in Design & the Making of Relevant Research."
I took on the task of giving SIG USE feedback "from the outside" with these two perspectives:
- Human-computer interaction, information architecture and general user experience professional. What is this thing called "human information behavior (HIB) research" and how does it relate to the research disciplines I am familiar with?
- Practitioner. What can practitioners learn from HIB and apply to their challenges? How do we bridge the research/practice gaps?
I broke my talk down into 3 sections:
- About me and my journey to gain an initial understanding of HIB
- An analysis of the symposium position papers, where I tried to distill them down into both "how do we connect with designers" and the specific research they are doing which I might be able to apply to my "finding information" challenges
- Stories about things I work on for ibm.com, with the hope that they could spur some ideas for some research topics
Download a PDF of my slides (2 meg). I deleted / cleaned up a few things for the public archive. And usual disclaimer: slides geared for the presentation. If you were not there, they may not be very interesting.
I sped through the slides and talked too fast, but I think (hope) that I put forth some good questions for the SIG USE community to debate going forward. The individual discussions and small group work after my talk were very valuable to me. I have some more reading to do (such as information encountering) and contacts of "SIG USE people" who I can stay in touch with. Looking forward to it!
One final note: I can see why SIG USE wins awards from ASIS&T. Very well run.
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